Your daily technology class with Professor Randy!!

Randy The Tech Professor

February 24th, 2011 at 8:58 am

Do You Have A Small Business? Have You Considered Google Apps?

Hello everyone,

If you own a small business you will want your employees to have email access, access to a calendar, access to contacts and tasks, mobile and desktop access to the company information, and of course a place to store their data.

If you are a glutton for punishment and you have a top notch IT dept., then you could use Microsoft Exchange Server. It will give you all of the employee necessities that I mentioned above, and it will also give you something else: A HUGE HEADACHE.

If your company is large, and your IT team knows what they are doing, then you will most likely want to use the heavy duty Microsoft Exchange Server. If your running a small business though, your best bet without a doubt is Google Apps.

Google Apps (free), or Google Apps (for business) will supply everything that your business needs without the hassle of running Microsoft Exchange. Google will do all of the work! Why run your own company’s server when you you can let Google do it for you? Google’s professional servers make you feel like you are in your own company’s server but you will actually be in Google’s. Let Google fuss with the servers while you get your work done!

Google Apps will give you data storage, your own business domain name and custom logo, great mobile and desktop contact and calendar sharing, Gmail, and about anything else that your small business may need.

Professor Randy says: Don’t be bothered by running a company server. By using Google Apps you will be free to concentrate on your business while Google handles all of your technology needs!


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